Mary Magdalen House

1223 Main Street Cincinnati, OH 45202
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Our mission Welcome to the Mary Magdalen House, an oasis of hospitality providing a safe and pleasant place for persons in need, to shower, shave, brush their teeth, use a toilet, have clothes laundered, have use of a phone, and receive messages and mail.

Mary Magdalen House

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About us The Mary Magdalen House Foundation, a non-profit corporation chartered in the State of Ohio, operates Mary Magdalen House. Originally the Foundation was formed by a Board of Directors, comprised for the most part of parishioners of Old St. Mary's Church, including members of the Gardner family. This Board committed itself to meeting the personal needs of the homeless, and to helping them regain a sense of dignity. Today, some twenty years later, members of the Gardner family and others continue the work of the Board with new commitment and excitement as they look forward to serving more guests, more thoroughly and efficiently, at our new location!